"If all I have taught you is how to block and tackle, then I have failed as a coach." Ed Thomas
The Ed Thomas Family Foundation established the Ed Thomas Legacy Clinic with the goal of re-energizing coaches and helping them realize the lasting impact they can have on a young person's life. Our clinic is about more than the x's and o's, it is about teaching young people the intanglibles and life lessons that go along with sports. Our focus was not on a specific sport but all the positives sports bring to our young people and the important role the coach plays in this process.
In 2013 we hosted the first Ed Thomas Legacy Clinic at the Aplington-Parkersburg High School with over 300 coaches in attendance of all grades, sports and both genders. We offered our Legacy Clinic again in the spring of 2014. In the fall of 2014 we established the Ed Thomas Legacy Leadership Academy. Our leadership academy allowed for coaches, teachers and students to attend and learn together. Due to the philosophies of the legacy clinic and leadership academy parellelling each other and the popularity of the leadership academy, we will be offering our leadership academy in the spring of 2015. We feel the leadership academy maximized the impact we can make on both coaches and young people.